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Follow us on the official Nerdverse Twitter account, where we post links, random musings, and updates/notifications about the various things we’re up to. This includes notifications of when we’re going live on Twitch or other events.

Join our Discord server to keep the conversation going! Chat to us about anything nerd-related. Seriously, anything. Tabletop roleplaying games, PC and console games, boardgames, card games, crafting, cosplay, comics, tattoos, art, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Introduce us to something new to obsess about!

Also: we’re on Twitch! We play RPGs with lots of fighting, crafting, and outstanding stories. We are particularly fond of wandering about, gawking at the pretty scenery while talking about all kinds of nerdy stuff.

We recently added a Facebook page. This is just mostly just a placeholder for now, but you can come and hang out while we get things sorted.

You can also follow us on Instagram, at nerdverse_ZA. Warning: contains lots of cat pictures.

We’ll be posting highlights from Twitch and other things on our YouTube channel soon. I’m also putting together various playlists there that you can use to create atmosphere in your tabletop RPGs, or simply to set the mood for a boardgame day, or themed events.