Actions, reactions, phases, rounds, turns… Have you ever found yourself turned around by too many terms that sound like they all mean the same thing? Fear not! If time gets all wibbly-wobbly on you, you can always look up the rules in the game manual. But if you don’t have a specific game on hand, it can help to have a general idea what each of these terms means.
In the conclusion of this two-part episode, Fayyaad and Jacques discuss two more terms often used to track time in board games – phases and reactions. They also discuss a few exceptions, and some additional timekeeping terms you may run into. By the end of these episodes, you’ll be able to hold your own in conversation with even seasoned gamers.
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You can download the show notes for this episode here: Nerdverse Unshuffled Show Notes- Episode 8-Time, part 2.
Unshuffled is a Nerdverse Productions podcast: