Worker placement

Ever heard a bunch of board game fanatics express strong opinions about something called worker placement games and wishing you knew what they were going on about? In this episode, Jacques and Fayyaad get all worked up about worker placement. This type of game has become very popular since it was introduced in 1998 and has resulted in a variety of examples and variations. Fortunately, once you have a better understanding of this term, a whole smorgasbord of games awaits! Your hosts look at the expectations and variations that come with this popular style of board game. They also discuss the reasons worker placement games have become as well liked and successful as they have. And if you ever want to try one out for yourself, this episode discusses a large variety of worker placement games that each do something unique. So let’s learn and discover more about worker placement in board games.

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You can download the show notes for this episode here: Nerdverse Unshuffled Show Notes – Episode 4 Worker Placement.

Unshuffled is a Nerdverse Productions podcast.